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It closed the XXVIII edition of Calise CUP stage of the European Championship reserved for Club teams that exceeded all expectations. Among the top 10 most important tournaments d 'Europe, 15 nations represented - 14 in the beach and 1 in the handball tournament - the participation of 8 teams in the top 15 of Europe' s (male and female), 24 participating teams 12 male 8 4 Under 16 women in the beach and 2 foreign teams in the indoor tournament. They are record numbers, and budget time for the XXVIII edition of the Meeting, the decline of 70% over the last three years has been cleared thanks to the foresight of the hard core of the company, which has always believed in Beach handball, helped create it, it has launched the world and has never succumbed to pressure to remove a GAETA the paternity of this sport, Olympic and today was born in Gaeta. We feel obliged to thank the 'Municipal Administration and Luigi Ridolfi Councillor for Sports that there was always close in the most difficult moments, unlike many others, do not understand why, we have always looked down, a random quote on Memorial Calise is not part of major events of the City of Gaeta, after that, in 28 years, they have trampled the fields Calise athletes from 4 continents (athletes among the strongest in the world) and it is perhaps only international event not matter who organizes Gaeta yet want oscurarci. A case ... a doubt ... or a certainty. In 28 years of activity the Calise was "a showcase of youth sport gaetano" "and a tourist showcase for high-level" tournament the city of Gaeta was streamed live and there are articles in the foreign press and video network across Europe as documented on our site and - / beachtournamentgaeta /. The final of the Under-16 category went to Grosseto Handball and in the final beats of the CUS Cassino hosts to 2-1, in the women's senior category, victory went to the Red Hot Czili Buk (Poland) who beat Cannabis Energy ( slovakia) even in this final the result is thrilling so that the Polish team imposes measurement for 2 -1. In the men's final between BHT Auto Forum Petra Plock (Poland), and Club Balonmano Barbate (Spain) the Poles have imposed their superiority with the score 2 - 0. The individual awards went to girls Tjascia Lecsscin and Romano Dahiancic of Delano Zagreb ( Croatian) while the top scorer was Hanne Fransen (Beacland shold), in the men's individual category awards went to Adrian Flodor (BHT Auto Forum Petra Plock (poland)) and best specialist Marcin Miednzinski BHT Auto Forum Petra Plock (poland) the top scorer was Hanne Fransen (Beacland shold), best specialist Semi Sanchez (BMPlaya Barbate Spain) best defender Tilmaz Prohc (nordlicheter) Scorer Janna Teran (BM Playa Barbate Spain). Here are the teams participating men's category, Auto Forum Petra Plock, BM Playa Barbate, Delano Zagreb, Nordlichter Beach Handball, Niteroi Rugby, Handball Grosseto, sospechosos Habituales, Balon's Gang, BHC Cus Cassino Gaeta, Beach Eagles Albania, Sporting Club Gaeta, Bastia Umbra , Slovakia Senec - female Category: Red Hot Czili Buk, Cannabis Energy Drink Kanonierky, Beachlandshold Denmark, Delano Zagreb, Osuna Madrid, THSV Camelot Netherlands, Handball Grosseto. Raiffeisenkasse Pontina. In handball tournament ASD Oloumuc Ostrava Czech Rep. A special thanks to the young athletes of the Summer Campus of the Flamingo Fitness who have played a Under12 Tournament and the beach resorts of the Miramare and Serapis, Aurora for making available for free the Sporting facilities in Selene Beach dance which hosted free of all teams for the dance party closing and are not all other beach resorts of Serapo Beach for hosting free of all participating teams, addition to the Province of Latina School Sector, on the Learning Circle, L 'Institute Policomprensivo "G. Carducci", the' Nautical Institute G. Cabot and the Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi for permission to host all teams in schools, the Red Cross Provincial Delegation and the 'Medical Assistance who have watched and guaranteed safety of the athletes, to the Guardia di Finanza Nautical School for availability, the sponsors of the People's Bank Cassinate Office of Formia Grande Hotel Villa Ireland. But what has impressed the participants is the atmosphere that reigned everywhere and thanks to the small sponsors and citizens who have received with friendship and sympathy all the participants, one among all the Ciccariello Cellars which offered wine for all participants. In closing thanks we should not forget, the Regional CONI, the FIGH, l 'University of Cassino, from Lazio DISU Cassino, Media, Sport Gaetano, Sport Pontino
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Cat maschile/male Euro 500.00


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