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It's been several days since the end of the XXIV International Meeting of ... .. not only handball Memorial "F. CALISE" and what has surprised is the large number of visitors. The resonance that took the media, the TV, the radio, on the net and in the print media, despite that, the bulk of the events has had starring young athletes or disabled athletes, turned it into a real vehicle for integration social.
Charon has affected this year, despite what the '80% of the participants have confirmed their participation for the next edition and have appreciated the beauty of the city that the' acceptance of His people and the ability of the organizing committee had to change and adapt in running the sporting part without creating major difficulties for participants.
The success of Gaeta in Dance by Roberto Thought, from Gaeta in Music by Luca Ricci, from Folk Group I Paggetti of Minto, from 'exhibition of SHIHAN KARATE (Ju-Jitsu) and JUDO by Maestro Giuseppe Dell 'Year, by the flag bearers Three Towers of Minto, the parade of the participating teams in the streets of the City, has allowed young athletes to give vent to their joy of living, to communicate and make friends, something that is highlighted during 'election of Miss and Mister tournament where all teams, arranged on the steps of the school Virgilio, have supported and voted for their representatives and heroes, as many as 22 boys and 28 girls.
This year, in addition to confirming the tournaments of the last edition were added tournaments Beach Tennis Beach Rugby and Calise Run "in the footsteps of our past" all 'inside of the Regional Park Riviera d' Ulisse
Were 17 days of sport and entertainment, d 'competitive spirit, comparisons, sacrifices and challenges ever faced unexplained but despite that we got to the end, managing to involve more than 1,500 people a day. In the acknowledgments we can not forget all the Bathing Establishments that have hosted free of the teams, the Lazio Region Transport Department that gave the opportunity to all young athletes to be able to move freely on the line COTRAL Gaeta-Formia, L 'Association Parsifal, the Park regional Riviera d 'Ulisse that allowed free use of the mini bus to visit the park and sports clubs in the city who have contributed actively to the implementation of what was planned in the persons of Nino Arena, Mario Belalba and Ettore Alberti
We must not forget also the 'Municipal Administration of Gaeta, CONI Regional Lazio Region, the Province of Latina, the' University of Cassino, from Lazio DISU Cassino, from 'APT Provincial, and FIGH, the School of the Guardia di Finanza, the establishments Serapis and Miramare CRI Delegation of Gaeta with its volunteers, the Spicamar in Construction Exhibition, in Sport Show and the many private in providing their contribution to this important tournament.
A special thought goes to the sponsors, Coca Cola HCB Italy, Peroni, Cullligan, Banca Popolare di Funds and the Grand Hotel Villa Ireland, sponsors and technical Givova and World Media Partners, Ether TV, Sport Gaetano, Handball Italy, Latina Today, Sports pontine, and Radio Space Blue.
We wanted to take this opportunity to express our deep and heartfelt gratitude for the availability and the sensitivity shown.
E 'was partly thanks to your collaboration that we managed to complete than planned, allowing about 1,500 boys to spend part of their day in a different way and definitely unforgettable.
Wishing to your business the same success we send, Sincerely.
- Movies and various news on www,

2012 - Program
2012 - Event
2012 - Miss and Mister
2012 - Teams registration
2012 - On the press
2012 - CALISE Video
2012 - CALISE Story
2012 - Photo
2012 - Partners
2012 - Event other
2011 - XXIII Tournament Youth F. Calise
2011 - X Beach handball G. Buttarelli



Cat maschile/male Euro 500.00


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