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STORY 2010


We completed the Beach Handball Tournament Memorial G.Buttarelli which saw the 'assertion, in the men's category, the team Campione d' Italy 2009: Handball Grosseto and in Category Female Team Switzerland-Ballerina Copala Basel. The tournament, even if accompanied by time extremely uncertain, however, took place on schedule by the organization with considerable public success that has walked in these first three days in an extremely concerned at the beach handball on the stands of 2 playing fields: Arena Beach and Plant Serapis.
Carmine Lime president of CUS Cassino wanted list nominally all institutions and structures that have allowed to finish the tournament From the bathhouses, the Lazio Region Transport Department, which by the way that gave the opportunity to all young athletes may travel free on line COTRAL Gaeta-Formia
Regional Park Riviera of Ulysses that allowed free use of the mini bus to visit the park, the 'Department of Sport of the City of Gaeta, the National Olympic Committee, the Lazio Region, the Province of Latina, from' University of Cassino, Lazio DISU Cassino, FIGH, the School of the Guardia di Finanza and sponsors from L 'Oreal Professionel Paris and Grand Hotel Villa Ireland Official Radio Radio Space Blue and Lazio TV and Tele Monte Orlando.
June 29 will begin the historic indoor Youth Tournament, International Meeting of Handball Memorial F. CALISE that will see at the starting line as many as 17 teams. Including Romanian teams from Bucareast and Caracal
In the program of the event is scheduled for 28, 1 and 4 July, the Youth Soccer Tournament Memorial Damiano Dolcino that will see six teams at the starting line, on 30 June at 19.30 exhibition of SHIHAN KARATE (Ju-Jitsu) and JUDO School martial Arts conducted by Giuseppe Dell 'Year 7 DAN that carries on business for over thirty years at the Gymnasium of' Hotel Serapo Gaeta from Friday 02 to Sunday, July 4 will stage the tournament CUSI test bench to break in and view new purchases and foreigners that teams will have to use in the next season and will see the starting 4 representative between A1 and A2. On July 4, at the conclusion of this kermes sports at 17:00 at the 'Arena beach Serapo begin on 3 Trial of Beach Rugby that will see the start of the most renowned teams in Central Italy. Simultaneously to the sport there are Cultural Event and musical performances by the performance of the folk group The Paggetti of Minto by Antonio Tucciarone of Thursday, 01/07/10 at 19. 30 the musical spectacle IV CALISE SOUND "dances and songs" under the stars disco in the square by Matteo Glad to Friday 02:07:10

2010 - Teams registration
2010 - On the press
2010 - CALISE Story
2010 - CALISE Results
2010 - BEACH Results G. BUTTARELLI
2010 - BEACH Video
2010 - BEACH Story
2010 - Partners
2009 -XXI Tournament Youth F. Calise
2009 - IX Beach handball G. Buttarelli
CALISE story


25° anniversary society
They have partecipated
19 - Referees registration
19 - Teams registration female
19 - Teams registration male
19 - Teams registration female U18-U12
19 - Teams registration male U18-U12
19 - Accomodation holiday houses
19 - Accomodation B & B
19 - Restaurant
19 - Transport
19 - Events
19 - Disk
19 - All at the beach
2018 - Calendari / Calendar BEACH
2018 - Teams entered FEMALE
2018 - BEACH Photo
Hanno partecipato

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Via Flacca km 20.800 - 04024 - Gaeta (LT) - e -mail violaantonio@tiscalinet.it - Fax. +39 771 743074 - +39 771 779468 Tel. + 39 771 743074.Tel. +39 771 779201
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