Closes the curtain, under a deadly sun and high humidity the one hand on the beach on Memorial F. Calise. At plants Miramare and Serapis Finals XIII Memorial Gianni Buttarelli which saw the dominance in the female category of neo champions of Europe 's Paksoft Camelot Tilburg Holland while in the male category final all foreign among the team Dutch Holland Paksoft TSHV of Camelot and TILBURG German team BC Sanddervils Minden victory was decided to shoot out to the bitter end for the Dutch team Paksoft Camelot Tilburg Netherlands - thanks to an amazing parade of BAS for the third and fourth place were addressed Italian Capua Handball and USCA and Atellana lavitoria went to Capua which is also recognized in the 'Under 16 men. Sportingly speaking everything went well, thanks to the presence of Gampiero Masi Global Head of referees and to 'Dutch Jeanet Markvoort ready to leave for the next World Championships in Colombia and the Serbian Anja Antic and Melena Jakovljevic too' they are ready to leave for Denmark for the next European Championships and the pair of Italian referee Pierluigi Boscia, our old knowledge of handball and beach gaetano fact he departed with the first editions of the Memorial Calise as a friend of Paul's brother Francesco and not least Nicolella Antonio. The success went beyond expectations in fact the Dutch team and Germany have already optioned participation for next year.
Also great success of The Beach Volleyball Tournament organized by ASD New Gaeta Gulf.
Next appointment is on the beach Saturday, June 22 with the Beach Rugby Tournament organized by Regby Formia.